Couple Salsa (Cuban)

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The number of training years mentioned in the descriptions are indicative, because everyone develops in dancing individually and at their own pace. At the second and thirs level, we encourage you to stay for several seasons, since there are so many things to learn. If you are concerned about your own dance level, feel free to contact us and ask more: Rehearsing, repeating and practising the basics always improve your dance skills, so we recommend you to participate in courses lower than your actual level as well.

LEVEL 1 (new beginners)
This level starts from the very basics, so you do not need to have any previous dance experience. At this level, we learn basic techniques, the most common basic figures, and technique of leading and following. In addition, we get excited about the wonderful atmosphere of Cuban salsa in general!

LEVEL 1+ (0,5–1 years)
This level is ideal for those who know the basics of couple salsa and have attended classes weekly for about six months. The most common basics, such as enchufla, di le que no, di le que si, setenta, sacala and vacilala are already familiar to you. In this course, we continue with the basics as well as expand our knowledge by learning how to vary and combine the basics in new ways.

LEVEL 2 (1–2 years)
If you have been dancing couple salsa weekly for about a year, you are very familiar with the basics, and dancing is already going well with most dance partners, this is probably the right level for you. We deepen our skills from basic figures to slightly more challenging variations and figures. Besides, we will delve more into body movements.

LEVEL 3 (around 2–3 years)
The third level is suitable for those who have danced couple salsa weekly for about a couple of years. At this level, skills that we have become familiar with at the previous levels are deepened, varied and practiced. In addition, we will learn new figures and enhance the use of the body.
LEVEL 4 (around 2,5 + years)

This level is suitable for those who have danced couple salsa for several years. At this level, we deepen, vary, refine and practice figures that have already become familiar in previous levels. In addition, you learn new figures and body movements. At this level, the focus is more on music interpretation, styling and how to create a shared musical experience from dance.

Here you can listen to salsa music:

slower salsa songs

faster salsa songs

Interested in a dance lesson?

Check out our dance lessons or jump directly to our online store!

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Flama Spring Show 2024

Welcome to enjoy the dance performances at the Turku Linnateatteri when Flama organizes an amazing dance show!