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Dancehall is a street dance that was born in Jamaica and it continues to develop. Dancehall is a combination of tight accents, explosive energy, smooth movement and, above all, attitude.

Dancehall Queenstyle

During Dancehall Queenstyle classes, we will concentrate on women’s own style: attitude, girl movements/steps and acrobatics, depending on the level. Bring a water bottle, indoor dancing or training sneakers and knee pads or even leggings to protect your knees.

Female Dancehall

Female Dancehall classes focus on the feminine style of dancehall and especially on attitude and expression – without forgetting winau (i.e. hip rotation) and other hip techniques. Authentic girl moves and steps developed by Jamaican dancers form the basis for the sequences and choreographies performed in class. There are no acrobatic movements in the Female Dancehall class, so you don’t need knee pads with you to the class.

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